template primary() {.pragma.}
Pragmas are used to control extra info about fields such as references or how to handle deletions
template autoIncrement() {.pragma.}
- Make the column auto increment. By default an integer primary key will choose the next available ID but by setting autoIncrement you make sure that old ID's aren't reused (i.e. ID's of deleted rows are never reused ) Source Edit
- Make the column be a primary key. There can be multiple primary keys per table Source Edit
template references(column: untyped) {.pragma.}
Specify the column that the field references. Type must match the type in the parent table
type Parent = object id {.primary.}: int64 Child = object id {.primary.}: int64 # reference is done via Type.field syntax. # Notice how they are the same type parent {.references: Parent.id.}: int64
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